Open post-doc positions
Two post-doc position are open, funded by the ERC CoG project "GENERATE: GEometry and aNalysis for (G,X)-structurEs and theiR deformATion spacEs" (PI: Andrea Seppi).
The position will be based at the Institut Fourier of Grenoble. The contract will be initially for 24 months, with possible extension for additional 12 months. No teaching duty. Funding will be available for travel and invitations.
The hired post-doc will be part of the team "Geometry and Topology" of the Institut Fourier, will pursue research towards the goals of the project, and will be involved in the organization of scientific activities (workshops, conferences, seminars, reading groups).
An ideal candidate would have a background in geometric topology (Teichmüller / higher Teichmüller theory, (G,X)-structures on manifolds, deformation spaces, Anosov representations) and/or differential geometry (minimal/maximal submanifolds in riemannian/pseudo-riemannian geometry, harmonic maps, geometric flows, etc)
The expected starting date is, tentatively, 1st September 2024.
The starting date, however, is flexible (but no earlier than 1st June 2024).
Applications must be sent through the "portail emploi" of CNRS, via this link.
The application will consists of a CV (including a list of publications) and a letter of motivation/research statement.
Up to three recommendation letters can be sent by email to:
The deadline is 31st January 2024.